• Showcase
  • Pernelle
    A Sparkling New Tradition.
  • Trails
    Early learning for life.
  • Aquila
    Every step of the way
  • The Menopause Co
    Shine On
    Make your Move
  • Edition
    Art for Life
  • Milk & Co Baby
    Everyday Joy
  • Living Edge
    Furniture for Life
  • Marrick & Co
    New Authentic Living
  • Cashwerkz
    Werk It
  • KLIM
    For skin that can do anything
  • General Electric
    Two Words For Tomorrow

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Two Words for Tomorrow


Two Words for Tomorrow is a unique cross-media brand activation created by The One Centre for GE, the world’s biggest industrial company. We asked Australians to share in two words what they feel is the single biggest challenge facing the nation’s future. Highlighting the things that matter, the results gave GE a platform to talk about how it’s helping solve the world’s toughest problems in energy, healthcare, water and transportation. The One Centre won GE’s Global Digital Excellence Award for this project.

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Case Study Video

Watch The One Centre’s short video on the Two Words project.

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Advertising Campaign

The One Centre created the connections strategy for Two Words across paid, owned and earned media. To kickstart entries, we created a pre-roll campaign to run on news portals with companion polling ads and widgets. To seed social, we created a polling app for Facebook with tools to invite friends to also have their say. Polling widgets were distributed across GE and supporter websites. Infographic updates were posted on GE social channels for organic sharing. Vox pops were shot at installations and shared on the site and social. Street posters and postcards were given out at installations around Australia, including VIVID Sydney.

"In two words simply describe what you feel is the single biggest challenge facing Australia's future. Choose wisely."

"In two words simply describe what you feel is the single biggest challenge facing Australia's future. Choose wisely."

Website & Digital

The One Centre created all digital and physical touchpoints for the campaign. People could submit their two words on the campaign website, Facebook app, on-site installation or via interactive banners and widgets on news sites. Submissions were live reported and categorised into Top 10 Themes. People could explore results using filters and publish customised infographics to share on social media. Average time on site was 15 minutes.


A feature of the Two Words for Tomorrow project was The One Centre’s generative digital artwork and installation, the Two Words Waterfall. Designed as two LED towers circled by six polling kiosks, visitors could submit their two words and watch as they appear then digitally transform to join Australia’s ‘live data stream of consciousness’. The installation toured Australia’s capital cities and served as a public touchpoint for the campaign as well as cutting-edge digital artwork symbolising GE’s technological creativity.

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Media Coverage

The campaign culminated with the official release of results summarised in an infographic designed by The One Centre. Sent to media outlets and bloggers and posted on campaign platforms, the results received widespread coverage, including articles in The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Australian. GE closed the project with a panel discussion at the AIESEC young leaders ‘INITIATE The Future’ forum at the University of Technology, Sydney.

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The One Centre


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For skin that can do anything


Level 3, 75 Pitt St
Sydney NSW 2000

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Level 3, 75 Pitt St
Sydney NSW 2000